Ask Dr. Universe
Join Dr. Universe and her friends at Washington State University as they investigate science questions from kids around the world. Know a kid with a curious science question? Help them submit it at askDrUniverse.wsu.edu for a chance to be featured on a future episode.
Ask Dr. Universe
How Do You Science | Meet an Ecologist (for the birds!)
Washington State University
Season 4
Episode 3
Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world.
Today we're talking about birds with Jennifer Phillips, an ecologist at Washington State University.
- Learn about sensory pollution and the difference between a phenotype and a genotype
- Find out how birds get tagged and measured—and how it's a little bit like an alien abduction
- Hear Dr. Phillips' journey to be a scientist, her favorite bird fact and how being a scientist is like being a spy
Resources You Can Use
- Check out this video that shows how a cardinal's syrinx makes two sounds at once
- Did you know there's a poisonous bird? Meet the Pitohui
- Learn all about birds with Audubon for Kids
- Enjoy these spy activities from the Spy Museum
As always, submit burning questions at askdruniverse.wsu.edu. Who knows where your questions will take us next.